An Owl Moment

Barred owl in sunlight, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Sunshine Love II

A barred owl basks in the sun at the base of the Algonquin Island bridge, one of those Island where-were-you-when moments.

Barred owl, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

The Loneliness of Being

A barred owl glances downward as a Parks Gator drives by, the most concern it showed for hours as it snoozed in a tree on Algonquin.

Barred owl in fir tree, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Perch on Blue

A barred owl perches in a fir tree at the base of the Algonquin Island bridge, completely unconcerned by the crowd gathered below.

Yawning barred owl, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Barred Yawn

A barred owl interrupts a snooze in the sun to yawn loudly.  Well, as loud as an owl ever is, which is virtually silent.
