Diving Mallards (video)
Our local mallards have learned a new behaviour: how to dive. Normally a dabbling duck, the extent of their underwater activities usually stops at mooning passersby and picking up what they can reach under the water’s surface. Some local mallards, however, have picked up the ability to completely submerge themselves, just like cormorants. Captured here […]

Jimmy on the Beach II
Very furtive and shy in the wild, the elusive Jimmy Jones is one of the hardest creatures on the Island to photograph.

A late-season mink roams the shoreline of Centre Island. When they’re wet, they look positively vicious. When they’re dry, they look remarkably cute.

Leafmaster II
Even in late November, snakes can still be found on the warmer days warming themselves in the low sunlight.

Conversations (audio)
[audio:9870-Conversations.mp3] The lonely call of a Toronto Island coyote on a still November night (919KB MP3). Note: if the audio player doesn’t appear, click the title (Conversations) to view the actual post.

Wile E I and II
A late twilight, and unfortunately distant, encounter with a resident Toronto Island coyote who wasn’t very happy with the human interloper on its turf. These are thoroughly tagged as b-roll shots, it was far too late in the evening for any sort of useable light. Still, it isn’t every day that you kayak past a […]

Late for the Party
An adolescent black-crowned night heron clings to an IYC tree in November, 2009. By this time of year all of the herons are gone, migrating south to sunnier climes. Perfectly able to fly, its a mystery why this fellow hung on so late in the season.