Lagoon Report XXXIV

Deconstruction of the breakwall, eastern gap, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Bollard No More

PortsToronto (née the Toronto Port Authority) has begun removal of the northern portion of the eastern gap breakwall.  Here the upper surface has been reduced to rubble, which will get moved to the south side of Tommy Thompson park.  You can view it prior to demolition here and here.

2018 community portrait panorama, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Community Portrait 2018

The rain came down, the wind howled, but the intrepid crew of the beer garden remained undaunted.  It’s already been ten years since the first modern community portrait in 2008, and fives years since the last in 2013, my how time flies.  Thanks to all who braved the elements!  It looks like the next community […]

Trumpeter Swan P24, Muggs Island, Island Yacht Club, IYC, Toronto Islands

Meet Molson

Meet Molson, more blandly known as Trumpeter Swan P24.  Molson was hatched at Wye Marsh as part of their Trumpeter Swan program two years ago.  All the hatchlings were named after breweries, hence the name Molson. Personally, I’m waiting for a flock of microbrews to migrate through at the end of the season.

Great blue heron with drooped wings, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Droop Wing I & II

A great blue heron droops its wings to cool off on an unseasonably hot October day.

Closeup of a pair of muskrats together, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Captain & Tennille

Muskrat Love!  A pair of muskrats dine together in the waters of Snug Harbour.

Muskrat having a snack, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Snug Snack

A muskrat munches on a tasty morsel in the waters of Snug harbour.

Juvenile black-crowned night heron, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

October Juvenile

A juvenile black-crowned night heron perches in a tree on Doughnut Island.  I haven’t seen night herons for a while now, it’s surprising to see juveniles still here.

Ten painted turtles on one log, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Bumps on a Log III

A bale of ten turtles bask together in the low October light off of Doughnut Island.  They’ve broken the unofficial record of six turtles in 2012 and five turtles in 2011.

Northern Map turtle basking against deep shadow, Snake Island, Toronto Islands

Sidelight Stretch

A northern map turtle basks on the feet of the Snake island bridge.

Wading Great Egret, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Neck Wade

A great egret wades in the shallow waters off of Doughnut Island.

Canada Goose goslings, Forestry Island, Toronto Islands

Babes in the Woods

Some of the first Canada goose goslings rest on the shoreline of Forestry island.

Red-eared slider turtle injured by boat prop, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Slider Damage 2018

A red-eared slider turtle injured by a boat prop, first imaged in 2016,  appears to be healing nicely. Click image to view larger.
