Chopper 2021
Checking in with Chopper, a red-eared slider that I’ve been documenting for years. Chopper’s shell was damaged by a prop, but has healed up nicely. Here’s Chopper in 2020, 2018, and 2016.

Punk Outfit
A mature black-crowned night heron on Doughnut Island, shortly after finishing the migration north.

Heron Tree
A baker’s dozen of 13 black-crowned night herons perch on the Heron Tree, where the first migratory group always lands every year. Here’s the same tree back in 2011.

Bumper Crop
Four red-eared slider turtles (an invasive species) bunch up on a log in Snug Harbour. 2021 is an absolutely epic year for turtles, with more in the lagoons that I have ever seen before.