Snake Underwater
The bridge to Snake Island descends…to lagoon level. The middle of Snake Island is thigh-deep, and is now the domain of carp and songbirds.

Sunfish Riding
Cyclists run the flood waters on Cibola Ave., between Snake Island and Algonquin Island at Sunfish Cut.

Thinnest of Margins
The thinnest of margins: this is the edge between the QCYC and the inner harbour, no more than one bad boat wake.

Island Discourse
If you’re looking to play a round of golf, bring the hip waders: much of the Island is underwater, and most of the course is completely flooded out.

Submergence III
The northern reaches of the Eastern gap breakwater are completely submerged by the floodwaters of 2017.

School Boat
A school bus runs the flood waters by Sunfish Cut on the last regular day before the school was evacuated to the mainland.

Seneca on the Edge
Seneca Ave lies underwater, sandwiched between regular sandbags and the larger 1 metre bags.

Inside Straight
Floodwaters have risen on the inside of Cibola Ave., while sandbags protect the outside from direct lagoon encroachment.

Island Cancelled
Destination boards show the cancellation of service at the Jack Layton ferry terminal.

Thanks For The Help
Firemen sandbag a sewage pumping station, to help protect it not only from the rising flood waters but also from boat wakes that run right across Cibola Ave. Never have the words no wake please had more meaning.