Everywhere a Sign

Please do not walk on the sandbags sign, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Sandbag Seamus

Seamus walks past a sign entreating people to not walk on the sandbags lining Bayview Ave. They sure turn into a mess right quick if you do.

A sign thanks the sandbag workers, Rectory Cafe, Toronto Islands

Thank You

A sign thanks the sandbag workers in front of the Rectory Café.

Advance lineup sign, Jack Layton Ferry Terminal, Toronto Islands

Wicket 9

We knew it was coming.  A sign directs both tourists and residents to the same ticket booth for scanning of prepaid fares, an untenable solution during the summer months.  The new ticket system includes about ten wireless hand scanners and five wired scanners, why only one wicket was operational is an interesting question.  Also interesting […]

Please do not feed the Ongiara, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Ongiara Warning

A whimsical sign adorns the new fencing (aka ‘The Cage’) at the Ward’s Island ferry docks.

Island airport bus schedule, Feb 19 2015

Island Airport Bus Schedule

It’s enough to strike terror into any Islander’s heart.  Someday real soon now, we’ll look back at this and laugh. NOTE:  This is not necessarily the most current schedule.  This is the schedule as of February 19, 2015.  For further updates, don’t bother with the official Toronto ferry website, they can’t be bothered to update the schedule.  Lame. […]

CBC web article, Feb 15 2015, Toronto ferry ice issues

In the Media

CBC tweets and articles note problems with the ferry service during a February cold snap in the winter of 2014/15. Link to original article, and to the original tweet.

Boardwalk closed sign, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Boardwalk Closed

The ice storm makes the boardwalk treacherous, causing parks to ‘close’ it.

Impending storm cancels church service sign, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Impending Storm

An impending storm cancels the winter solstice service at St. Andrew’s in 2008.
