
Muskrat on shore, Island Public School, Toronto Islands

A Muskrat Education

A muskrat sits on the shoreline by the Island Public School.

Mink eating a crayfish, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Mink Snack

A mink enjoys a tasty crayfish on the shores of Centre Island.

Beaver chewing branch in hole in ice, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Beaver Chew

A beaver chews apart a heavy branch from a hole kept open in the lagoon ice. Click image to view larger.

Closeup of a pair of muskrats together, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Captain & Tennille

Muskrat Love!  A pair of muskrats dine together in the waters of Snug Harbour.

Muskrat having a snack, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Snug Snack

A muskrat munches on a tasty morsel in the waters of Snug harbour.

Mink on shoreline of Centerville, Toronto Island Flood, Center Island, Toronto Islands

Centerville Mink

A mink tours the shoreline of Centerville, enjoying the complete solitude during the Flood of 2017.

Wild coyote caught by camera trap, Doughnut island, Toronto Islands

Catch of the Day

A coyote crosses the old Doughnut bridge in the early morning hours, tripping the remote Coyote Cam for the first time.

Blind coyote eyes, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

First Coyote

A nearly blind coyote wanders the First St beach, and then swims a circuit of the Cove before disappearing towards the Eastern Gap.  Thanks to Michelle for the tip.

Baby raccoons on balcony, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Raccoon Jenga

Juvenile raccoons act like Jenga pieces after being rudely awakened from a summer snooze.

Snow dusted beaver, Snake Island, Toronto Islands

Snow Dusted

Snow dusts the face of a beaver after a freak spring snow squall.

Coyote camouflage, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Blending In

A Coyote blends into the background colours of early spring, in the Parks yard by the filtration plant.

Racoon on roof, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Rooftop Bandit

Racoons are back on Third St., the little bandits running roughshod over the rooftops at night.

Curious Mink, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Little Mink Feet

A curious mink perches on a rock by the old fire hall.

Large beaver on ice, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands


A large beaver rests on the ice near the RCYC, feeding on branches close to holes kept open in the thick lagoon ice.

Mink on breakwall, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Boardwalk Fur

A mink pauses on the boardwalk breakwall, before heading into the pack ice between the Island and the Spit.

Swimming Coyote, Blockhouse Bay, Toronto Islands

Swimming Lessons

A member of the Parks staff, arriving at work at 6:44AM, caught this coyote swimming from Hanlan’s Point  to the IYC.  Photos by Kathy Gallagher: Click images to view larger.

Crayfish Delight

A mink pauses momentarily on its way to dinner with a delectable crayfish, which it will consume  entirely except for the legs.

Coyote, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

November Stance

A wild coyote strikes a pose in the late November twilight near Centre Island.

Deer skull and remains, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Final Resting Place

The unfortunate remains of an Island deer lie sun bleached in the field in front of the Island filtration plant. Discovered about two years ago by plant staff, the timing coincides with the deer’s disappearance. This deer was assumedly a coyote victim, nothing else on the Island would be large enough to take down something […]

Northern pike underwater, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

A Day in the Life

A day in the life of an underwater camera as a young northern pike, muskrat, and painted turtle cruise past in the lagoon’s murky depths.

Muskrat, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Muskrat Mountain

A muskrat, looking for all the world like a small mountain of fur, sits in the waters off of Doughnut Island.

Coyote staredown, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Staredown on Brown

A coyote, blending in perfectly with the browns of early Spring, stares down the camera by the filtration plant.

Mink portrait, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Icy Whiskers

A mink, whiskers sporting ice in the -11°C air, surveys its surroundings on fresh ice formed by a sudden March cold snap.

Hunting coyote pair, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

The Coyote Times

A fleeting glimpse into the mysterious world of Toronto Island coyotoes: a remote camera catches a coyote pair hunting on the ice near Doughnut Island. Note: this is a compilation of several frames, showing them as the camera sees them. It is not a pack, it’s only one pair of coyotes imaged several times. Click […]
