Pier Sunrise
The Centre Island pier stands in stark silhouette against the colours of a predawn October sky.

Golden Hour I
Sunrise on the Toronto skyline yields lovely pastel contrasts as seen from Centre Island in this 2011 update to the skyline series. The Port Lands still remain conspicuously absent from the image, but the sky cranes are moving steadily eastward: how many years until this is a historical photograph?

Painterly Cruising
A signature photograph for the FishEYE II: a northern pike cruises its spawning grounds, waiting for the water to warm up to about 9°C to start the main event. The lagoons are still frigid, hovering around the 5-6°C mark.

Old Faithful
Another Ward’s beach geyser erupts into strong sidelight. After each session of shooting in -18°C weather, the cameras would be coated in ice and require careful defrosting for several hours near a constant heat source.

End of the Road
The breakwall that defines the eastern gap continues to crumble into the inner harbour. Here a lonely bollard awaits its fate, many of its siblings already lying submerged beneath the icy waters.

Sunset Eruption
Like Old Faithful, a newly-formed geyser on Ward’s beach erupts into a million points of light under the full pressure of an incoming wave.

1830 to the City
The Ongiara streaks to the city at 6:30 P.M., punching through the January ice in this two-minute exposure.

A cormorant creates a partial eclipse of the sun by Doughnut Island, momentarily turning day into night in the camera.

Steamy Ongiara
The Ongiara makes her way through thick steam thrown up by an almost 30°C temperature drop.

Island Community 2008
A majority of the Toronto Island community comes together for a group portrait on Gala Day, 2008. This panorama is available as special 36″ or 48″ wide panoramic prints, see Boutique Pricing for details.

Poise on Black
A snow-white great egret stands in full sunlight, against a perfectly black background of deep shade. This panorama is available as a special 8×18″ panoramic print, see Boutique Pricing for details.

Almighty Branch
Floating in the kayak beside the RCYC’s southern island (what do they call that island?), I came across a type of beaver behaviour that I’ve never seen before. Usually they chew on things that they can reach easily, but these branches were just a little too far out of reach.

A goose sits on her nest near Doughnut Island, surrounded by down blown off the nest by high winds.

Thermonuclear Equinox
A Christmas tree goes nuclear at the annual beach bonfire (thanks Alice!) celebrating the Spring Equinox. There’s a lot of potential energy stored in a Christmas tree, especially after drying out for three months. Don’t try this at home, kids.