A large beaver rests on the ice near the RCYC, feeding on branches close to holes kept open in the thick lagoon ice.

The Forming
Waves break against the navigation light at the end of Ward’s beach in -20°C weather, building up layers of ice to form a new version of this previous ice sculpture.

Willow Square 2012
Volunteers and organizers come out to celebrate the unveiling of the magnificent Willow Square mosaic, marking the transition from what was often a garbage transfer station on Wednesdays to an exceptional public space. Thanks guys, the WIA has never looked so lovely.

A Modern Classic
Venus and Jupiter swing together in conjunction past the Gibraltar Point lighthouse. Together with star and aircraft trails, they form a unique ceiling of light over the oldest existing lighthouse on the Great Lakes.

No Access
Signs and trees lie entombed in ice at the end of the boardwalk after a wicked winter storm in 2004.

1830 to the City
The Ongiara streaks to the city at 6:30 P.M., punching through the January ice in this two-minute exposure.

Surprising Teeth
A beaver, teeth stained red from a winter diet of nothing but bark, floats in a hole kept open in the ice off of Snake Island.

Ancient Waiting
Taking a page from the old “Is it live, or is it Memorex?” ads, a large painted turtle leans into the sunset light of a gorgeous August evening.

Floral Nova
A water lily flowers in near-perfect symmetry. Tagged as related, this was photographed in the mineral-rich waters off of Franklin Island, Georgian Bay.

Magic Mushroom
Belying their market value, morel mushrooms look for all the world like alien brains. This fine specimen, lit with off-camera strobes, made a world-class omelette.

Steamy Ongiara
The Ongiara makes her way through thick steam thrown up by an almost 30°C temperature drop.

Nightmare on Mink St.
The carnivorous teeth of a mink skull discovered in the Sans Souci area of Georgian Bay.

Poise on Black
A snow-white great egret stands in full sunlight, against a perfectly black background of deep shade. This panorama is available as a special 8×18″ panoramic print, see Boutique Pricing for details.

A goose sits on her nest near Doughnut Island, surrounded by down blown off the nest by high winds.

Thermonuclear Equinox
A Christmas tree goes nuclear at the annual beach bonfire (thanks Alice!) celebrating the Spring Equinox. There’s a lot of potential energy stored in a Christmas tree, especially after drying out for three months. Don’t try this at home, kids.

Sunset Gaze
A juvenile black-crowned night heron gazes over its shoulder in strong sunset light off of Algonquin Island.