Phoenix Rising
Bruce Smith’s stunning Phoenix becomes a blazing beacon for the new year at the AIA’s 2009 New Year’s Eve Dance (Thanks Bruce!).

Surprising Teeth
A beaver, teeth stained red from a winter diet of nothing but bark, floats in a hole kept open in the ice off of Snake Island.

Rorschach Twilight
Toronto’s skyline glows in the hues of twilight in this January panorama. The inner harbour is just beginning to freeze, forming ice marring an almost perfect reflection. Lake-effect clouds also formed during the shoot, obscuring the CN Tower’s iconic shape.

Shaken, Not Stirred
Like an olive in a martini, a beaver floats in a hole kept open in the ice off of the RCYC’s south island in the winter of 2009.

Chew Baby Chew (audio)
[audio:Chew-baby-chew.mp3] If a beaver chews on branches and there’s nobody to hear, does it make a sound? As it turns out, yes it does (265KB MP3). Note: if the audio player doesn’t appear, click the title (Chew Baby Chew) to view the actual post.

Smoke on the Water
A long exposure (somewhere on the order of two minutes) turns the raging whitewater of the outer harbour into mist on a stormy fall night in 2009.

Islanders line up to catch the 7:45am boat, temporarily replaced with the valiant Shipsands and crew during the Toronto civic strike of 2009.

Miss Kim Simpson
The lovely panoramic glass windows of the Miss Kim Simpson, our temporary transportation during the Strike of ’09.

Smirnoff Snowman II
A close view of the boardwalk’s Smirnoff Snowman, and his novel way of staying warm on cold winter days.

Poise on Black
A snow-white great egret stands in full sunlight, against a perfectly black background of deep shade. This panorama is available as a special 8×18″ panoramic print, see Boutique Pricing for details.

60 Million Year Old Baby
A blackbird chick sleeps in its nest, waiting for another meal to be delivered by its parents.

Polar Reflections
The jet-black eye of a melanistic garter snake reflects the photographer and bystanders under a clear spring sky.

Almighty Branch
Floating in the kayak beside the RCYC’s southern island (what do they call that island?), I came across a type of beaver behaviour that I’ve never seen before. Usually they chew on things that they can reach easily, but these branches were just a little too far out of reach.

A goose sits on her nest near Doughnut Island, surrounded by down blown off the nest by high winds.

Thermonuclear Equinox
A Christmas tree goes nuclear at the annual beach bonfire (thanks Alice!) celebrating the Spring Equinox. There’s a lot of potential energy stored in a Christmas tree, especially after drying out for three months. Don’t try this at home, kids.