Lagoon Report XXIX

Sharp-shinned hawk with prey, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Lord of the Skies

An adult Sharp-shinned hawk lords over a hapless pigeon by Far Enough Farm, preparing to eviscerate it. Sharp-shinned and Cooper’s hawks are very similar in appearance, I’m going with Sharp-shinned here because the feathers on the crown almost merge with the back feathers.

Toronto skyline reflected in black ice, Inner Harbour, Toronto Islands

Toronto Iceline 2015

Almost perfect black ice on the inner harbour reflects the Toronto skyline, lit by the incredible blue of a January day.  Get out your skates. Click image to view larger.

Mute swans sleeping on ice, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Where’s Waldo?

Mute swans snooze the afternoon away on the snowy ice off of the boardwalk towards Centre Island.

6 Third Street, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

6 Third St.

6 Third St. rests under a snow load after a February snowfall.

Snowy owl on ice, Outer Harbour, Toronto Islands

Snowy Striations

A snowy owl rests  on the ice south of the boardwalk, by Snake Island.

Island airport bus schedule, Feb 19 2015

Island Airport Bus Schedule

It’s enough to strike terror into any Islander’s heart.  Someday real soon now, we’ll look back at this and laugh. NOTE:  This is not necessarily the most current schedule.  This is the schedule as of February 19, 2015.  For further updates, don’t bother with the official Toronto ferry website, they can’t be bothered to update the schedule.  Lame. […]

Ice formation, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Mother Ship

An ice shelf reaches towards the lake on Ward’s beach.

CBC web article, Feb 15 2015, Toronto ferry ice issues

In the Media

CBC tweets and articles note problems with the ferry service during a February cold snap in the winter of 2014/15. Link to original article, and to the original tweet.

Frost flowers closeup, Eastern gap, Toronto Islands

Bundles of Love

Frost flowers cover perfect black ice in the Eastern gap.

Special K

Kaya enjoys a balmy day on the ice at Ward’s beach.

Ice coated break wall, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Land’s End

Heavy ice coats the rocks on the breakwater at the end of the Eastern gap.

Frost flowers, Eastern Gap, Toronto Islands

Industrial Flora

‘Frost Flowers‘ cover fresh black ice in the Eastern gap, a phenomenon requiring almost complete stillness and cold air.


Shattered ice turns Ward’s beach into a glacial moraine, highlighted by a lovely ice arch.

Steam Frost, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Steam Frost

Steam coming off of the Eastern gap freezes onto overhanging trees, coating them in a thick layer of frost.

Log Ness Monster entombed in ice, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

The Log Ness Monster

Tyler’s Log Ness Monster lies entombed in ice at the end of Ward’s Beach, after a week of cold temperatures and high wind.
