Tigger, our wonderful, intelligent, empathetic friend, naps in a sunbeam during the dark depths of winter.

Trumpeter Visitation
A pair of tagged Trumpeter swans is currently (as of May 2, 2012) hanging out around Doughnut Island. Trumpeters, tagged by the people managing the Wye Marsh, are making a comeback in Ontario after being extirpated almost 200 years ago. Trumpeter swans don’t normally stay very long here on the Island, we’ll see how long […]

Hitching a Ride
A young turtle improbably basks on the back of another turtle. The large fellow here is also the largest turtle in this photograph.

Outside Interference
Left, a massive cloud of gnats obscures the life-saving equipment by Snake Island. Below, a detail of the cloud that’s the bane of cyclists.

Final Resting Place
The unfortunate remains of an Island deer lie sun bleached in the field in front of the Island filtration plant. Discovered about two years ago by plant staff, the timing coincides with the deer’s disappearance. This deer was assumedly a coyote victim, nothing else on the Island would be large enough to take down something […]

Toronto Luminosity
Careful processing of Earth Hour 2012 photography yields a direct luminosity comparison of the Toronto skyline. Taken at the same place at 8:45pm, the top image was photographed on March 29 and the bottom image during Earth Hour on March 31. Conspicuously absent are the Dome and CN Tower lights, and almost all corporate logos. […]

The Colours of Spring
A male mallard shines bright on water still reflecting the dull browns of early spring.

A mature northern pike swims in the shallows, reflected in the surface of water less than 6″ deep.

A Face A Mother Could Love
A garter snake emerges into the sunshine of an early spring day after a winter spent slumbering below ground.

Equinox Firelight 2012
A huge crowd assembles on Ward’s beach for the annual Equinox bonfire. Thanks for the potatoes, Alice!

A Modern Classic
Venus and Jupiter swing together in conjunction past the Gibraltar Point lighthouse. Together with star and aircraft trails, they form a unique ceiling of light over the oldest existing lighthouse on the Great Lakes.

Bumps on a Log II
Six turtles take the Log Game up a notch, besting their previous record of five on a log last year.

Moon Heron
A black-crowned night heron perches on a rock off of the boardwalk around 9:00PM, bathed in the dappled light of a rising full moon.

A Day in the Life
A day in the life of an underwater camera as a young northern pike, muskrat, and painted turtle cruise past in the lagoon’s murky depths.