Equinox Bonfire 2016
Another fabulous evening on the beach courtesy of Alice, and John Jackman who spent days collecting all of the trees. The fire potatoes will be back next year.

Blending In
A Coyote blends into the background colours of early spring, in the Parks yard by the filtration plant.

Earth Hour 2016
The camera causes the Toronto skyline to glow deceptively brightly during Earth Hour 2016. While it wasn’t obvious that many people turned out their home lights for the hour, it is the one hour a year where no corporate logos are lit. Besides the CN Tower and Skydome being dark, the CIBC, Scotiabank, TD, Westin, […]

Final Voyage (timelapse)
The Jadran, aka Captain Johns, sails out the Eastern Gap and into history after anchoring the foot of Yonge St. for nearly 40 years. 112MB MP4 video assembled from footage from five cameras.

Side Loadin’
Wonders will never cease. Top: Ongiara, doing a work run, ties up beside Ward’s dock in a perfect position to side load, something that they seem incapable of doing in winter when the dock becomes unusable due to ice. Bottom: Something I’ve never seen before, two ferries (Ongiara and William Inglis) at Ward’s dock. Excuse […]

Unlucky Clover
Not much remains of one of Ongiara’s props after the winter of 2014-15: only one blade is left. Heavy harbour ice sheared all of the other blades clean off. The damage is much worse than this image, taken during the winter of 2011-12. Image provided by one of the deckhands.

Ongiara Warning
A whimsical sign adorns the new fencing (aka ‘The Cage’) at the Ward’s Island ferry docks.

Positive Negative
The changing face of Spring ice in the inner harbour reflects the darkness of an early morning and the lightness of an overcast midday.

Equinox Bonfire 2015
A few images from the Spring Equinox bonfire of 2015, another lovely night on the beach.