Seneca Pump I
Soon their voices will be silenced: the big red pumps have droned on for over a month now, working hard to keep the lake at bay. This pump graces Seneca Ave during a late June twilight. Click image to view larger.
Centerville Mink
A mink tours the shoreline of Centerville, enjoying the complete solitude during the Flood of 2017.
Edge of Forever
The southern end of the eastern gap is completely underwater. East winds and boat wake now drive waves inland, with almost no protection from what used to be a high concrete barrier.
Daily Life
It’s now early June, and life in the Flood of 2017 seems to have taken on a new normal. Laura and Leida talk on Cibola while the lagoon floods the road beneath them.
Peacock Blues
The escaped peacock, unofficial mascot of the Flood of 2017, has taken to roosting on Freya’s roof.
Hard Core
Everything’s a playground during the Flood of 2017, as long as you don’t have to do your own laundry.
Radium Yellowknife
The heavy tug Radium Yellowknife dwarfs the waiting shed while delivering sandbags for ongoing operations during the Flood of 2017.
Roadside Mooring
With water levels so high during the Flood of 2017, why not moor your boat at the side of the road?