Up From The Ashes

Barbara Klunder's Up From The Ashes design, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Phoenix Rising

New Year's 1989, DJ Joanna Kidd, Algonuin Island, Toronto Islands

Original Vinyl

Joanna spins vinyl in 1989 when it was hip, before it was hip again.

1989 AIA Rebuilding Crew, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

AIA Rebuilding Crew 1

An intrepid crew demo and clean up the fire damage of the AIA in 1989. from left to right are Barry, Carl in behind, Joanna, and Jerry behind the tripod.

1960s era AIA Clubhouse, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

The AIA in the 60s

1989 AIA Rebuilding Crew, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

AIA Rebuilding Crew 2

Let’s see. Is that Dwight, Leida, Jerry, Terry, David, and Carl?

1989 AIA Rebuilding Crew, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

AIA Rebuilding Crew 4

Is that Rocky photobombing a discussion between Barry, Martin, and Grahame?

Fire scorched piano, AIA Clubhouse, Algonquin Island, Toronto Islands

Scorched Piano
