Balance of the Seasons
A mini glacier melts atop a groyne by the Centre Island pier. Click image to view larger.

Beaver Chew
A beaver chews apart a heavy branch from a hole kept open in the lagoon ice. Click image to view larger.

Wet Meadow Eclipse
The moon approaches totality over the wet meadow during the full lunar eclipse of January 2019. The -35°C wind chill was an added bonus.

Queen of the Rapids
The Rapids Queen lives up to her name as high winds hammer her hull with giant waves. At this point the docks lining the lagoon side have already been torn loose, drifting into the lagoon to wreak havoc there.

When The Levee Breaks II
High winds push waves right over the armour stone in front of Bayview Ave., sending spray all the way back to the houses.

Ferry Ongiara makes her way across the harbour with the winds gusting to 90Km/h. By the time she landed at Ward’s, winds were gusting over 100Km/h, forcing her to stay Island-side for over an hour until the winds subsided enough for a bumpy journey back to the city. That’s not fog by the way, that’s […]

A long exposure turns the wind-whipped inner harbour to mist while April snow clouds scud overhead.

Split Tones
Twilight descends upon a mixed raft of ducks swimming through fresh ice during a -22°C cold snap.

Bombardier Supermoon
The rarest of Toronto wildlife: a delivered Bombardier product. A Bombardier Q400 flies in front of the rising supermoon on final approach to Billy Bishop.

Heavy steam rises above the breakwall at the end of Ward’s beach during a -22°C cold snap.

Fluff Camouflage
Apparently we’re not the only ones cursed with poplar fluff. Even map turtles basking in the Doughnut Island environs are susceptible.

Fluff Season
A toad on Third St. looks unimpressed at having to push its way through large piles of fluff.

Valentine Flowers for T.O.
Frost flowers carpet the inner harbour all the way to the city after a -25°C cold snap. Happy Valentine’s Day, Toronto.