
Robin nesting on road bicycle, Ward's Island, Toronto Island

Miele Mama

A robin nests on a road bicycle, a most interesting location to raise one’s young.

Robin puffed up against cold, Ward's Island, Toronto Island

Round Robin

A robin puffs itself up to keep warm during a -22°C cold snap.

Robin on Valentine's Day, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Eye on the Prize

A robin wonders why it’s here during a -25°C cold snap on Valentine’s Day, 2016.

Spring Robin, Centre Island, Toronto Islands

Round is a Shape

An extremely round First Robin of Spring roots around in the undergrowth of Centre Island, signalling the official start of Spring (equinox notwithstanding).

Robin, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Robin Lashes

The delicate details of a robin’s face exemplifies the sharpness of Canon’s EF 300mm f/4 prime telephoto.

Female robin, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Hot Robin Mama

The distinctive markings of a female robin amongst Ward’s Island grass.

Robin, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Redbreast Return

Always a delight to see after a long winter, this was one of the first robins to return in the Spring of 2008.
