
Backlit great egret, Long Pond, Centre Island, Toronto Islands


Brilliant sun shines through the wings of a Great Egret, highlighting the bone and multi-layered feather structures.

Robin nesting on road bicycle, Ward's Island, Toronto Island

Miele Mama

A robin nests on a road bicycle, a most interesting location to raise one’s young.

Mature black-crowned night heron, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Punk Outfit

A mature black-crowned night heron on Doughnut Island, shortly after finishing the migration north.

13 Black-crowned Night Herons in one tree, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Heron Tree

A baker’s dozen of 13 black-crowned night herons perch on the Heron Tree, where the first migratory group always lands every year. Here’s the same tree back in 2011.

Killdeer, Forestry Island, Toronto Islands


The comically large eyes of a Killdeer on Forestry Island.

Red-necked Grebe, Long Pond, Toronto Islands

Red-Necked Grebe

The lovely details of a red-necked grebe migrating through Long Pond.

Bald eagle on branch, Long Pond, Toronto Islands

Long Pond Baldy

A bald eagle perches on a branch on Long Pond at the start of the 2020/21 winter. Click image to view larger.

Snowy owl with wingtip feathers, Gibraltar Point, Toronto Islands

Gibraltar Snow II

A snowy owl comes in for a pinpoint landing at Gibraltar Point. Click image to view larger.

Snowy owl, Gibraltar Point, Toronto Islands

Gibraltar Snow

A snowy owl perches on a large branch at Gibraltar Point. Click image to view larger.

Female bald eagle in tree, Snug Harbour, Toronto Islands

Find The Eagle

When an eagle lands in a tree next to you, you darn well know it. Here a female bald eagle perches in a tree off of the RCYC. Click image to view larger.

Male bald eagle, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Bald Neighbour

A male bald eagle perches above Kathleen and Ali’s house at the corner of Channel and Third.

January bluebird, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Bluebird of Happiness

A bluebird lights up Channel Ave. on a cold January day. Thanks to David for the tip.

Wood duck in January, Snake Island, Toronto Islands

A Woody January

The unlikely colours of a wood duck on a warm January day.

Bittern Surprise

A very rare surprise:  a migrating American bittern attempts to hide in plain sight by standing tall and straight.  It’s a very effective camouflage when they’re amongst the reeds, here not so much.  This is only the second bittern that I’ve ever seen on the Island.

Trumpeter Swan P24, Muggs Island, Island Yacht Club, IYC, Toronto Islands

Meet Molson

Meet Molson, more blandly known as Trumpeter Swan P24.  Molson was hatched at Wye Marsh as part of their Trumpeter Swan program two years ago.  All the hatchlings were named after breweries, hence the name Molson. Personally, I’m waiting for a flock of microbrews to migrate through at the end of the season.

Great blue heron with drooped wings, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Droop Wing I & II

A great blue heron droops its wings to cool off on an unseasonably hot October day.

Juvenile black-crowned night heron, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

October Juvenile

A juvenile black-crowned night heron perches in a tree on Doughnut Island.  I haven’t seen night herons for a while now, it’s surprising to see juveniles still here.

Wading Great Egret, Doughnut Island, Toronto Islands

Neck Wade

A great egret wades in the shallow waters off of Doughnut Island.

Canada Goose goslings, Forestry Island, Toronto Islands

Babes in the Woods

Some of the first Canada goose goslings rest on the shoreline of Forestry island.

Snowy Owl, Ward's Island, Toronto Islands

Yellow Stare

A snowy owl perches on a pole on Ward’s beach.

Bald eagle eating a cormorant morsel, Center Island, Toronto Islands

Down the Hatch

Another view of the Bald eagle dining on a cormorant down by St. Andrew’s.

A snowy owl stares into the camera, Ward's Beach, Toronto Islands

Yellow Stare

Another view of the beautiful snowy owl that was haunting the end of Ward’s beach.

Trumpeter swan flying over frozen Lake Ontario, Center Island, Toronto Islands

Trumpeter Blues

A lone trumpeter swan flies over forming ice during a -22°C cold snap.

Robin puffed up against cold, Ward's Island, Toronto Island

Round Robin

A robin puffs itself up to keep warm during a -22°C cold snap.
